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956 Remote access to external systems

Mandatory: -
Repeatable: yes
Related fields: 856

Field Definition and Scope

This field holds the essential data that are necessary to trigger a retrieval operation in an external database system. The aim is to provide further information related to the described entity, which is out of scope of the CERL Thesaurus such as sample bibliographic records or provenance information. The technique used to access the remote system is a JavaScript-based creation of a HTTP-Get request or an automated submitting of an HTML form (HTTP-Post). Each system code given in $n corresponds to a particular request algorithm within the CT web interface. Therefore codes other than on the List of System Query Codes must not be used without prior consultation with the Data Conversion Group.

Application of Content Designators


Indicator 1: Specifies the subfield used to create a query

  • 4 use the record identifier given in $u as search term
  • 7 use the content of $y as search term
  • 8 use one or all of the headings given in 2XX as search term

Indicator 2: Specifies the type of information retrieved in the external system:

  • 0 sample bibliographic record
  • 1 provenance information
  • 2 information about the described entity
  • 3 depiction
  • 8 other record for the same entity (owl:sameAs)


$0 Source of information (NR)
This subfield is added in an automated updating process only. The content of this subfield is still experimental.
Do not edit this subfield manually!

$6 Source file reference (NR)
This subfield is added in an automated updating process only and shall be removed after manual amendment of the record.
Do not edit this subfield manually!

$n System Code (M;NR)
A four character alphanumeric code assigned by DCG.

$u Record identifier (NR)
The record identifier that should be used as a search term in the remote system

$y Alternative search term (NR)
A search term other than the record identifier used to retrieve the wanted records in the remote system

$z Public note (O;NR)
Text to be displayed as a link in the CT web front-end.

Input Conventions

If the second indicator holds 8, $u must contain a full URI.


  1. 956 41$nGOES$zProvenance Information$u365984574
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 resources/cerl_thesaurus/editing/format/956.1382708854.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/10/25 15:47 by schleier



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