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Grants received

  • The cataloguing of incunabula from libraries of Regione Lombardia (which oversees a network of some 120 libraries) started in 2010 by Alessandro Ledda and Giancarlo Petrella, part of the team headed by Prof. Edoardo Barbieri of Centro di Ricerca Europeo Libro Editoria Biblioteca (= CRELEB), Università Cattolica of Milan. Grants were received from Regione Lombardia and from Fondazione Cariplo.
  • A Government Research Funding grant (PRIN) was awarded to scholars of Università Cattolica and Università Statale of Milan to catalogue book-in-hand in MEI some 2,500 books.
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 resources/mei/about/grants_received.1360601607.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/02/11 17:53 by dondi



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