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 ====== Papers at Conferences ====== ====== Papers at Conferences ======
-  CDondiThe Venetian Book-Trade in the 15th Century: Material Evidence for the Economic and Social History of the Renaissance, **Cambridge** Bibliographical Society18 Nov2009+**2017** 
-  * C. Dondi, The Venetian Booktrade as Evidence for the City's Ecomonic Development in the 15th Century, at Congress of the Renaissance Society of America, **Venice** 7-Apr. 2010PANEL TITLE: The Venetian Booktrade in the 15th Century; organised by C. Dondi, other speakers: Bettina Wagner and Marina Molin Pradel; Chair Martin Davies+ 
-  * C. Dondi, Material Evidence in Incunabulaa New Database to collect and research provenance information on Venetian (and other15th-century books, in Provenancemethods and findingsMagdalen and Merton Colleges, **Oxford** 8 May 2010 +  * 12-15 October 2017, ‘Bibliography among the Disciplines’ conference (Philadelphia, PA) 
-  * C. Dondi, The Venetian trade in printed books in the 15th and 16th centuries: evidence from the local as well as the international marketVenice Seminar, **Manchester**, John Rylands and University Library15 May 2010 +    * MMalaspinalecture within the ‘Tools for Data Analysis and Visualization’ roundtable 
-  * C. Dondi, La catalogazione degli incunaboli e il rilevamento dei dati di esemplare, in 'Incunabolistica digitaleedizioni, esemplari, banche dati', **Venice**, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana30 Sept2010 +  * 26-30 July 2017, Summer school ‘The history of printed book illustration’ (OxfordBodleian Library) 
-  C. Dondi, Il contesto Europeo delle banche dati bibliografiche di ricerca, in 'Il Libro antico tra catalogo storico e catalogazione elettronica', **Rome**, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei29-30 Oct2010org. Prof. Roberto Rusconi +    M. Malaspina, guest lecture (title to be confirmed); 
-  * C. DondiMaterial Evidence in Incunabulaat Incunabula workshop, **Tours**, Centre d'Etudes Supérieures de la Renaissance18 Nov2010. With ISTC (British LibraryLondon), GW (Berlin)BSB-Ink (Munichmembers +  21 June 2017Iowa City RBMS 2017: The Future of Bibliographic Data—New Discoveries from the Study of the Oldest Printed Books (orgGreg Prickman, Atlas of Early Printing; CDondi, 15cBOOKTRADE; O. Duntze, GW; K. Limper-Herz, ISTC) 
-  * C. DondiRecording Provenance in Incunabula and later Printed Books: a new tool (Material Evidence in Incunabula), and plans to enhance existing ones, for the integrated search of provenance recordsin Symposium on Provenance Research, **Leiden**, Scaliger Institute, 19-20 Nov. 2010 +  * 15 – 16 June 2017, Trento, Istituto Storico italo-germanico, Crossing Borders, Crossing Cultures. Popular Print in Europe (1450-1900) – The ‘European Dimensions of Popolar Print Culture’ Conference: 
-  * C. Dondi, The Integration of Provenance Data for the Reconstruction of the Dispersed European Book Heritage, in 'Safeguard of Cultural Heritage', COST Strategic Workshop, **Florence**, 11-13 July 2011 +    * C. Dondi, Were cheap books popular books in the Venice of the printing revolution?  
-  * C. Dondi, The Integration of Provenance Data for the Reconstruction of the Dispersed European Book Heritage, **St Petersburg**, National Library of Russia14-15 Sept2011 +    * S. Minuzzi, Being Popular in Print: long-standing and widespread Health Advices through the 15cBOOKTRADE Tools 
-  * C. Dondi, La circulation des livres en Europe à l’époque moderne : exemples à partir de la collection d’incunables de la Bodleian Library (Oxford)in La circulation des collectionsJournée «droit et patrimoine en bibliothèque», **Paris**, École nationale supérieure des sciences de l’information et des bibliothèquesVilleurbanne (Enssibet le Centre de conservation du Livre (Arles), 12 Jan2012  +  * 21 May, 2017, Oxford Bibliographical Society 
-  * Marina VenierLa descrizione dell'esemplare nel libro antico: da elemento locale a dato condivisoin 4o incontro GUMARC (Gruppo Utenti Marc 21), **Rome**, 15 February 2013 +    * M.A. Panzanelli FratoniReconstructing dispersed collections: Burney and Consul Smith in the British Library  
-  * C. DondiHistorical Collections from European religious houses now in the Bodleian LibraryConvocation HouseBodleian Library, **Oxford**, 5 Mar. 2013Friends of the Bodleian +  19-22 Apr. 2017, University of Padua, 6th Annual Scientiae Conference on Disciplines of Knowing in the Early Modern World  
-  * C. Dondi, Le banche dati del CERL: cooperazione internazionale per superare la dispersione del patrimonio librario europeo e produrre ricerca, in Oltre... il muro... Promuovere e sostenere strategie di collaborazione e di partnership per la salvaguardia, la conservazione e la difesa del patrimonio culturale di archivi, biblioteche e musei... **Milan**, Palazzo ex Stelline, Sala Bramante14 March 2013 +    S. Minuzzi, Artisans of Medicinal Secrets and Knowledge Circulation in Early Modern Venice 
-  * C. Dondi, Thinking again about the first printing revolution with both eyes on the booksVenetian evidence for pricestradeand useHoughton Library, **Harvard University**, 30 Sept. 2013 +  6-Apr. 2017, Loughborough University, Association of Art Historians 43rd Annual Conference and Art Book Fair  
-  * C. Dondi, The 15th-century Book Trade: An Evidence-based Assessment and Visualization of the DistributionSale, and Reception of Books in the Renaissance, in SÉMINAIRE du Laboratoire de Médiévistique occidentale de Paris (=LAMOP): Codicologie quantitative et sociologie du livre MÉDIÉVAL, **ParisSorbonne**, 27 March 2014 [forthcoming] +    * MMalaspina, Visual recognition, image matching and digital annotation. Early printed book illustrations and the 15th-century Booktrade Project  
-  * C. Dondi, To think again about the first printing revolution — with both eyes on the books, in Transforming the Early Modern Republic of LettersLiteratureLearningLogicBooks. A Conference in Honour of Ian Maclean, **All Souls CollegeOxford**, 31 Mar– 2 Apr2014 [forthcoming][[http://www.voltaire.ox.ac.uk/bestermancentre/events/transforming_republic_letters_2013.pdf]]+  * 20-21 Mar. 2017, Athens, Laskaridis Foundation and Gennadius Library, Opening up private and religious collections to scholarship (Geri Della Rocca de Candal – org. and C. Dondi
 +  * 23-25 Feb. 2017Foligno-Perugia, VI Centenario Frezziano [conference on Federico Frezzi] 
 +    * M.A. Panzanelli Fratoni, La fortuna del “Quadriregio” nelle sue prime edizioni a stampa   
 +  * 1 Feb. 2017, Oxford, Late Medieval Europe Seminar (convenors Oren Margolis, Natalia Nowakowska, Hannah Skoda, John Watts) 
 +    * C. Dondi, The economic dimension of early printing: book prices in Venice 1484-1488, from the Zornale of Francesco de Madiis 
 +  * 20 Jan. 2017, Paris, Histoire des Bibliothèques Anciennes, (CNRS-IHRT; http://www.irht.cnrs.fr/fr/agenda/histoire-des-bilioth%C3%A8ques-anciennes) 
 +    * M.A. Panzanelli Fratoni, «De Bibliothecis instituendis, disponendis et informandis» by Prospero Podiani (1535-1615) 
 +  * 10-11 November 2016**Charles University, Prague**, Medical Knowledge and Publication Strategies in European Perspective, 1500-1800 (org. Dr. Karel Černý and Dr. Jeroen Salman), SessionRegulation and Value Attribution 
 +    * Sabrina MinuzziPrivileges, Medical Authorship and Knowledge Dissemination in 15th-16th century Venice 
 +  * 20-22 October 2016, **Università degli Studi, Perugia**, Sixième Atelier Heloïse – Sixth Workshop Heloïse 
 +    * C. Dondi, The visualisation of the reception of university texts printed in the 15th century – The 15cBOOKTRADE Project and its databases and web applications 
 +    * M.A. Panzanelli FratoniUniversity texts printed in the 15th century: Their production and transmission in  print – The 15cBOOKTRADE Project and its databases and web applications 
 +  23 September 2016, **Trinity College, Cambridge**, 'The reception of the church fathers and early church historiansc.1470-1650' (org. Andreas Ammann, Sam Kennerley, Kirsten Mcfarlane) 
 +    * C. Dondi, The circulation of the early editions of the Fathersan evidence-based approach 
 +  * 19 July 2016, **Paris**, 24th Annual Conference of the Society for the History of AuthorshipReading & Publishing (SHARP), Session: The Languages of the Medical BookNew Perspectives on the Medical Book Trade from the 15th to the 19th Century: 
 +    Sabrina MinuzziA 15th century vernacular regimen sanitatis in verse. AuthorPrinters and Readers of the ‘Cibaldone’ 
 +  6 June 2016, **British LibraryLondon**Seminar on Textual Bibliography for Modern Foreign Languages: 
 +    * MAlessandra Panzanelli FratoniIllustrations in Early Printed Books from Perugia: Imitation, Re-Use and Original Production 
 +  * 20 May 2016**Wellcome Library, London**, Incunabula and Medicine Seminar: 
 +    * Sabrina MinuzziEveryone has his own Cibaldone? Text transmission and copy-specific features of a fifteenth-century vernacular regimen sanitatis 
 +  3 May 2016, **University of Warwick**, STVDIO Seminar: 
 +    * M. Alessandra Panzanelli FratoniTowards the Corpus of Texts Printed in the 15th centuryThe Text-inc database: how it works and some first results 
 +  * 7 August 2015**University of Vienna**16th International Congress of the International Association of Neo-Latin Studies. Within the session: New perspectives in text studies: digital frontiers for the history of the book and the interpretation of the text: Incunabula circulation in Humanistic Europe – Tortellius’ Orthographia (Sabrina Minuzzi
 +  * 2-5 July 2015**Oxford, St Anne's College, Early Book Society Biennial Conference**, Tracking the Reception, Use and Collecting of Texts in the 15th century and to the Present. the Material Evidence in Incunabula database (Geri Della Rocca De Candal, 15cBOOKTRADE) 
 +  * 30 June - 1 July 2015**LeicesterDe Montfort University, Centre for Textual Studies**, on the 15cBOOKTRADE Project in Reading Copy-Specific Features: ProducersReaders and Owners of Incunabula (C. Dondi) 
 +  26 March 2015, **Berlin, Renaissance Society of America**, Selling Printed Books in 15th-century Venice: the day-book of Francesco de Madiis [C. Dondi]within the session The Booktrade in the Archives: from Printshops to Bookshops, organized by Caroline Duroselle-Melish (Harvard Univ) 
 +  * 23-24 February 2015, **Göttingen, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek**, Book Provenance for the Workshop 'Scientific Questions about Provenance and Their Requirements for Future Web and Database Representation of Cultural and Scientific Collections(C. Dondi) 
 +  * 19-21 November 2014, **Madrid**, 'ISTC, TEXT-inc, and Material Evidence in Incunabula: Working on the early transmission of Classical texts in print, their dissemination, and reception', in Colloquium "Latin Classics at the Dawn of Printing" (C. Dondi)http://www.incunabula.uned.es/coloquioInternacional.php 
 +  *16-17 November 2014**London**, 'When Antiquarian Books were New. The Daily Activity of a Bookshop in Venice, 1484-88, through the Zornale of Francesco de Madiis', in 36th Annual Conference in Book Trade History: Bookshops in the History of the Trade (C. Dondi with Neil Harris) 
 +  * 29 September - 1 October 2014, **Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Library**, 'Booksellers' archival sources for an insight on contemporary sales, prices, and use: the "Zornale" of Francesco de MadisVenice 1484-88', in Wolfenbüttel Working Group for Library, Book and Media History “Database-supported bibliographies, book catalogues and source materials” (CDondi) 
 +  * 17 September 2014, **Antwerp, SHARP Conference**, Pre- SHARP CERL Workshop 'Historical Provenance Research: Material Evidence, Documentary Evidence, and Digital Humanities', (C. Dondi with M. van DelftM. LeffertsM. HulveyP. Cullhedand N. Harris) [[http://www.sharp2014.be/cerl-workshop.html]] 
 +  27 May 2014, **Venice, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana**, 'Una libreria a Rialto dal 1484 al 1488. Il Zornale di Francesco de Madiis (Ms. Ital. XI45 (7439)) (C. Dondi with Neil Harris)[[http://marciana.venezia.sbn.it/eventi/una-libreria-rialto-dal-1484-al-1488-il-zornale-di-francesco-de-madiis]] 
 +  * 12 May 2014, **Oxford Bibliographical Society**, 'To Think Again at the First Printing Revolution – With both Eyes on BooksTrade, Prices, and Use' (C. Dondi) 
 +  * 31 March – 2 April 2014, **Oxford, All Souls College**, To think again about the first printing revolution — with both eyes on the books, in Transforming the Early Modern Republic of Letters: LiteratureLearningLogicBooks. A Conference in Honour of Ian Maclean (C. Dondi)  
 +  27 March 2014, **Paris, Sorbonne**, The 15th-century Book Trade: An Evidence-based Assessment and Visualization of the DistributionSale, and Reception of Books in the Renaissance, in SÉMINAIRE du Laboratoire de Médiévistique occidentale de Paris (=LAMOP): Codicologie quantitative et sociologie du livre MÉDIÉVAL (C. Dondi) 
 +  * 30 September 2013, **Harvard University**, Houghton Library, Thinking again about the first printing revolution with both eyes on the books: Venetian evidence for prices, trade, and use (C. Dondi
 +  * 14 March 2013, **Milan**, Palazzo ex Stelline, Le banche dati del CERL: cooperazione internazionale per superare la dispersione del patrimonio librario europeo e produrre ricerca, in Oltre... il muro... Promuovere e sostenere strategie di collaborazione e di partnership per la salvaguardia, la conservazione e la difesa del patrimonio culturale di archivi, biblioteche e musei... (C. Dondi) 
 +  5 March 2013, **Oxford**, Convocation HouseFriends of the Bodleian: Historical Collections from European religious houses now in the Bodleian Library (C. Dondi
 +  * 15 February 2013**Rome**, La descrizione dell'esemplare nel libro anticoda elemento locale a dato condivisoin 4o incontro GUMARC (Gruppo Utenti Marc 21)(Marina Venier) 
 +  * 12 January 2012**Paris**École nationale supérieure des sciences de l’information et des bibliothèques, Villeurbanne (Enssib) et le Centre de conservation du Livre (Arles), La circulation des livres en Europe à l’époque moderne : exemples à partir de la collection d’incunables de la Bodleian Library (Oxford)in La circulation des collections, Journée «droit et patrimoine en bibliothèque» (C. Dondi) 
 +  * 14-15 September 2011, **St Petersburg**, National Library of Russia, The Integration of Provenance Data for the Reconstruction of the Dispersed European Book Heritage (C. Dondi
 +  * 11-13 July 2011, **Florence**, The Integration of Provenance Data for the Reconstruction of the Dispersed European Book Heritagein 'Safeguard of Cultural Heritage'COST Strategic Workshop (C. Dondi) 
 +  * 19-20 November 2010, **Leiden**, Scaliger Institute, Recording Provenance in Incunabula and later Printed Books: a new tool (Material Evidence in Incunabula), and plans to enhance existing ones, for the integrated search of provenance records, in Symposium on Provenance Research (C. Dondi) 
 +  * 18 November 2010, **Tours**Centre d'Etudes Supérieures de la Renaissance, Material Evidence in Incunabula, at Incunabula workshop with ISTC (British Library, London), GW (Berlin), BSB-Ink (Munich) members (C. Dondi) 
 +  * 29-30 October 2010, **Rome**, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Il contesto Europeo delle banche dati bibliografiche di ricerca, in 'Il Libro antico tra catalogo storico e catalogazione elettronica', org. Prof. Roberto Rusconi (C. Dondi) 
 +  * 30 September 2010, **Venice**, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, La catalogazione degli incunaboli e il rilevamento dei dati di esemplare, in 'Incunabolistica digitale: edizioni, esemplari, banche dati' (C. Dondi
 +  * 15 May 2010**Manchester**John Rylands and University Library, "Venice Seminar": The Venetian trade in printed books in the 15th and 16th centuriesevidence from the local as well as the international market (C. Dondi) 
 +  * 8 May 2010**Oxford**Magdalen and Merton CollegesMaterial Evidence in Incunabula: a New Database to collect and research provenance information on Venetian (and other) 15th-century booksin Provenance: methods and findings (C. Dondi) 
 +  7-9 April 2010**Venice**, Congress of the Renaissance Society of AmericaThe Venetian Booktrade as Evidence for the City's Ecomonic Development in the 15th Century (CDondi). PANEL TITLEThe Venetian Booktrade in the 15th Century; organised by CDondi, other speakers: Bettina Wagner and Marina Molin Pradel; Chair Martin Davies. 
 +  * 18 November 2009, **Cambridge** Bibliographical Society, The Venetian Book-Trade in the 15th Century: Material Evidence for the Economic and Social History of the Renaissance (CDondi). 
 resources/mei/about/papers.txt · Last modified: 2017/03/30 14:12 by hart



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