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Papers at Conferences

  • C. Dondi, The Venetian Book-Trade in the 15th Century: Material Evidence for the Economic and Social History of the Renaissance, Cambridge Bibliographical Society, 18 Nov. 2009.
  • C. Dondi, The Venetian Booktrade as Evidence for the City's Ecomonic Development in the 15th Century, at Congress of the Renaissance Society of America, Venice 7-9 Apr. 2010. PANEL TITLE: The Venetian Booktrade in the 15th Century; organised by C. Dondi, other speakers: Bettina Wagner and Marina Molin Pradel; Chair Martin Davies.
  • C. Dondi, Material Evidence in Incunabula: a New Database to collect and research provenance information on Venetian (and other) 15th-century books, in Provenance: methods and findings, Magdalen and Merton Colleges, Oxford 8 May 2010
  • C. Dondi, The Venetian trade in printed books in the 15th and 16th centuries: evidence from the local as well as the international market. Venice Seminar, Manchester, John Rylands and University Library, 15 May 2010
  • C. Dondi, La catalogazione degli incunaboli e il rilevamento dei dati di esemplare, in 'Incunabolistica digitale: edizioni, esemplari, banche dati', Venice, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, 30 Sept. 2010
  • C. Dondi, Il contesto Europeo delle banche dati bibliografiche di ricerca, in 'Il Libro antico tra catalogo storico e catalogazione elettronica', Rome, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 29-30 Oct. 2010, org. Prof. Roberto Rusconi
  • C. Dondi, Material Evidence in Incunabula, at Incunabula workshop, Tours, Centre d'Etudes Supérieures de la Renaissance, 18 Nov. 2010. With ISTC (British Library, London), GW (Berlin), BSB-Ink (Munich) members
  • C. Dondi, Recording Provenance in Incunabula and later Printed Books: a new tool (Material Evidence in Incunabula), and plans to enhance existing ones, for the integrated search of provenance records, in Symposium on Provenance Research, Leiden, Scaliger Institute, 19-20 Nov. 2010
  • C. Dondi, The Integration of Provenance Data for the Reconstruction of the Dispersed European Book Heritage, in 'Safeguard of Cultural Heritage', COST Strategic Workshop, Florence, 11-13 July 2011
  • C. Dondi, The Integration of Provenance Data for the Reconstruction of the Dispersed European Book Heritage, St Petersburg, National Library of Russia, 14-15 Sept. 2011
  • C. Dondi, La circulation des livres en Europe à l’époque moderne : exemples à partir de la collection d’incunables de la Bodleian Library (Oxford), in La circulation des collections, Journée «droit et patrimoine en bibliothèque», Paris, École nationale supérieure des sciences de l’information et des bibliothèques, Villeurbanne (Enssib) et le Centre de conservation du Livre (Arles), 12 Jan. 2012
  • Marina Venier, La descrizione dell'esemplare nel libro antico: da elemento locale a dato condiviso, in 4o incontro GUMARC (Gruppo Utenti Marc 21), Rome, 15 February 2013


  • C. Dondi, Historical Collections from European religious houses now in the Bodleian Library, Convocation House, Bodleian Library, Oxford, 5 Mar. 2013, Friends of the Bodleian
  • C. Dondi, workshop and lecture at Houghton Library, Harvard University, 30 Sept. and 3 Oct. 2013
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