M., I. (binding) C767. (1712) M437.
M., J. (bdg) C710.
M., R. D193. (stamp) F414.
M., T. (donor) B1415, N97.
M., W. (binding) P55, S1025.
Macdonald, Fitzherbert (bookplate) E519.
Mackaen, William S. N97.
Mackereth, Myles (1668) B502.
Mackintosh, Sir James (bookplate) A328.
Macnamara, O. C287.
Macnutt, Frederick B., Canon of Canterbury (c.1940) R389.
Maddock (?) L237.
Mair, R.E. E55.
Majorca, `Santa Maria Succursus', convent P427.
Malden, A.R. B1151.
Mallalieu, W. L96.
Maluze, Estienne B478.
Man, Charles (?) S439, S440.
Man, William G537.
Mandeville, Edward O177.
Manginus, Carolus R334.
Mann, William (1815) C1052.
Manners, Elizabeth V4.
Manning, Henry (1832) H26.
Mansfield, William (bookplate) J100.
Manwood, Sir Peter (1591) P738.
Mapletoft, H. N126.
Mappisden, John A105.
March, Francis W61.
March, William (bookplate) S1121.
Marchinton, Elizabeth (1836) W462.
Marf—, Gerhard B868.
Margate, Burgess's Circulating Library (bookplate) F362.
Maridat, Petrus (bookplate) K151.
Mariet (?) O101.
Markham, Margaret B507.
Markland, Jeremy E601.
Marowe, Thomas A197.
Marpergen C1306.
Marsh, Herbert Charles (bookplate) J121.
Marsh, Thomas A13.
Marsh, Thomas, junior B160.
Marshall, Charles A71.
Marshall, Edward (bookplate) A108, B226, B1633, C261, C1315, G538, H228, L451, L740, N32, R128, S61, S835, T142, T195, W267. (1828) S307. (1834) C389. (1847) R331. (1871) B963. (1877) M460. (1884) D261. (1887) S384.
Marshall, Edward Henry S384. (1849) S461. (1879) P135. (1882) M18. (1907) V4.
Marshall, Julia S307.
Marshall, Julia Elizabeth (1909) V4.
Marshall, Marion Alice Nona D191, R331.
Marshall, Nicholas B1346, S307, S307.
Marshall, Nona S307.
Marshall, William B1346.
MarshallHacker, Nicholas S307.
Marsham, Sir John (donor) M184.
Marsham, W. R22.
Marsland, G.(?) (1838) I46.
Marten, Miss D. S459.
Marten, Thomas B468.
Martin, C. C711.
Martin, George B685.
Martin, John H565, M205.
Martin, Thomas B1538.
Mashe, Thomas G503.
Maskell, H. A216.
Maskell, W. B395.
Maskell, William (bookplate) B935.
Maskelyne, Edmund (bookplate) C13, N48, V158.
Mason, Arthur James (bookplate) E105, G81, H491, J186, L96, L248, L683, N126, P608, R191, R495, S189, S344, T413.
Mason, H.C. G263.
Mason, J.A. B967.
Mason, Roland Frank (1991) F314.
Mason, Sarah (binding) S469, S470.
Masser y Selómo Coxxone (1666) A1.
Massey, John (1688) C1153.
Master, Eliza (1740) D277.
Masters, R. (bookplate) B1593.
Mathen, Isaac (bookplate, 1752) B281.
Mathew, J. (1752) C1017.
Mathew, John A516.
Mathews, Richard D548.
Mathias, Mr (1792) B815.
Mathias, Thomas James, (d.1835) D213, H130. (1770) E596.
Matthew, John B486.
Matthews family (1707) B471.
May, Emanuel (1760) T375.
May, George M302.
May, Richard (1806) F132.
May, Roger P738.
Maydwell, Laurence (1611) B824.
Maylam, P. (donor, 1912) H696.
Mayo, Daniel F235, S51.
McCance, A. (donor, 1924) B582.
McCance, I.W. Struppe D523.
McCulloch, W. P176.
McKellan, D. (1857) T264.
McQueen, John Rainier (donor, 1890) B444.
Meade, Thomas O204.
Meadowes, George B513.
Meadowes, John (1614) B513.
Meadowes, Thomas B513.
Mease, M.D. (1766) B1414.
Meen, H. K127.
Meers, P.S.F. (177?) L347.
Mellish, Joseph (bookplate, 1731) H252.
Mells, St Andrews House (bookplate, 1817) T13.
Memorye, John R326.
Mercer, Evelyn (donor, 1965) B519, B709.
Mercer, Mrs (donor, 1929) B378, C505.
Mercer, William John (bookplate) B1551, D508, G315, H182, K28, L418, L449, P9, R268, R269, R270, R279, T283, W204.
Merivale, Herman (1833) E91, O214.
Merlittes(?), Richard B477.
Merton, C. C429.
Meshwould, Mr P118.
Mesinger, James (1646) W532.
Mettayer, Anton D148.
Michaelis, Johann David M381.
Middelton, James B480.
Mierre, S. de (bookplate) D138.
Milbourn, Magister S219.
Milbourn, John Cole (stamp) H50.
Milbourne, William (1743) L30.
Milburn, T. (1766) R340.
Millard, Charles S1069.
Millars, Lo. O51.
Miller, Charles Sanderson (1837) B508.
Miller, John (1706) W22.
Miller, Sandn (1776) T93.
Miller, Thomas B477.
Milles, Jeremiah, Dean of Exeter (d.1784) (bookplate) C275, J90, M98.
Milles, Thomas (1626) W212.
Mills, James (1787) S132.
Milnerus, Christophorus (1587) B821.
Milton (Peterborough, bookplate) G240.
Minchin, W.A. L184.
Mindelheim, Jesuits (1618) V11.
Missy, César de (d.1773) (1748) B620.
Moffatt, John (1677) S619.
Mogford, Mary C514.
Molarn, Mary (b.1740) F341.
Molesworth, I. (1829) B810.
Molinar, Ludovic T325.
Molinaus, Petrus D496.
Molins, Tho: (1662) F319.
Molitor, Val. Frid.(?) T217.
Moncrieff, W.J. W320.
Monoux, Lewis (1725) C344. (1728) C348. (1731) S601.
Montagu, Charles (1784) S19.
Montagu, John (bookplate) D54.
Montfaucon, B. de J115.
Moody, William L353.
Moore, Henry B304.
Moore, Thomas (1709) K13.
Moote, Edward E532.
Morales, Fr. Fran. R344.
Morce, Mathew B880.
More, John B446.
Moreau, Joannes (1779) F100.
Morehead, William (bookplate) B966, F25, V26.
Morell, T. (1749) B907.
Mores, Edward Rowe K4.
Morgan, G.B. (donor, 1923) S631.
Morgan, John S671.
Morlon, James A19.
Morrey, George S1070.
Morrice, Sir F.E. (1838) J206.
Morris, Dennis R242.
Morton, James Douglas, 15th Earl of D252, H686, J121, T95.
Morton, John Burridge (1739) S723. (1746) C495. (1747) D442. (1750) B547. (1759) C489.
Mosheim (?) (1719) H467.
Mosley, Mr P722, P724.
Mould, Joseph (1688) B577.
Moulding, J. H509.
Mount, W. (1591) E270. (1592) B1514.
Mowbray, Teasdale T152.
Müller (?) M624.
Mundy, Anne J137.
Munich, Carmelite Monastery R11 (binding) R12.
Munich, `Domus SS. Adelhaidis et Caietani' (bookplate) D535, S184.
Munich, Minims `S. Franc. de Paula, ad S. Carolum Borrh.' P40.
Munich, Palace Library (stamp) D535.
Murray, J. F238.
Murray, John (in memoriam J.C. Robertson) P700.
Murray, John Owen (bookplate) K106.
Murray, Mary T261.
Murray M26.
Musgrave, George D61.
Myrfield, Thomas A9.