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LIBER Forum for Digital Cultural Heritage

The LIBER Forum for Digital Cultural Heritage, co-chaired with CERL, organised a seminar on The State of the Art in Image Recognition, London, Senate House, LIBER 2015, 24 June 2015


9:00 Giuseppe Amato (ISTI-CNR)
Using image recognition for cultural heritage. The EAGLE project experience

  • In this talk the use of image recognition techniques in the EAGLE project was introduced. EAGLE (European network of Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy) is a CIP-Best Practice Network (partially) funded by the European Commission. The EAGLE comprehensive collection of inscriptions (about 80% of the surviving material) is accessible through a user-friendly portal, which supports searching and browsing of the epigraphic material. In order to increase the usefulness and visibility of its content, EAGLE has also developed a mobile application that enables tourists and scholars to obtain detailed information about the inscriptions they are looking at by simply pointing their smartphone camera at them. Image recognition techniques are used to identify the inscriptions seen through the smartphone and provide users with related information. The slides may be downloaded here, and there is a video of the demo.

9:20 Thomas Wolf (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München)
Image recognition and image similarity: A different approach for accessing large scale digital collections

9:40 Giles Bergel (University of Oxford)
Tracking woodcuts with Bodleian Ballads\

9.55 Cristina Dondi (Oakeshott Senior Research Fellow in the Humanities, Lincoln College, University of Oxford and Secretary of the Consortium of European Research Libraries (CERL))
Material Evidence in Incunabula (MEI) database and images

10:00 Matilde Malaspina (University of Oxford)
Image recognition in the 15cBOOKTRADE project

10:20 Questions

10:30 - 11:00 Coffee break

11:00 Matthieu Bonicel (Conservateur responsable de l'informatisation et de la numérisation,Bibliothèque nationale de France)
Using images in Digital humanities: current projects at BnF and in Biblissima

11:30 Vlad Atanasiu (PhD at Department of Informatics, University of Fribourg)
Document and library visualization

12:00 Lunch

13:00 Opening ceremony LIBER 44th Annual Conference

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