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services:seminars:previous_cerl_annual_seminars [2015/10/29 17:29] hartservices:seminars:previous_cerl_annual_seminars [2018/03/06 11:22] hart
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 ======  Previous CERL Annual Seminars ====== ======  Previous CERL Annual Seminars ======
-  * 2015, University of Antwerp \\ //Library History: Why, What, How?//.\\Summary, {{:services:seminars:cerl_seminar_programme_antwerp_27_october_2015.pdf|Programme}}, {{:services:seminars:biographies_and_abstracts.pdf|Biographies and Abstracts}} and Presentations.+  * 2017, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam\\ //Putting it together - Research access for hybrid collections//.\\ [[https://www.cerl.org/services/seminars/presentations2017|Programme]]. 
 +  * 2016, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris \\ //Manuscrits: innovation et coopération / Manuscripts: innovation and collaboration//.\\ {{ :services:seminars:cerl_poster_-_paris_2016_-_full_programme_v8.pdf |Programme}} and [[:services:seminars:presentations2016|Presentations]]. 
 +  * 2015, University of Antwerp \\ //Library History: Why, What, How?//\\  [[:services:seminars:presentations2015|Programme]] and {{:services:seminars:biographies_and_abstracts.pdf|Biographies and Abstracts}}.\\ All papers have been published in [[http://booksandjournals.brillonline.com/content/journals/15700690/46/2-3| Quaerendo 46:2-3 (2016)]].
   * 2014, National Library of Norway, Oslo \\ //The application of text encoding facilities to digital versions of European early books//.\\ {{:services:seminars:cerl_poster_-_oslo_-_full_programme_vfinal.pdf|Programme}}, {{:services:seminars:cerl_seminar_october_2014_bios_and_abstracts.pdf|Biographies and Abstracts}} and [[:services:seminars:presentations2014|Presentations]].   * 2014, National Library of Norway, Oslo \\ //The application of text encoding facilities to digital versions of European early books//.\\ {{:services:seminars:cerl_poster_-_oslo_-_full_programme_vfinal.pdf|Programme}}, {{:services:seminars:cerl_seminar_october_2014_bios_and_abstracts.pdf|Biographies and Abstracts}} and [[:services:seminars:presentations2014|Presentations]].
   * 2013, University of Warsaw Library \\ //STOP THIEF!, Preventing and investigating theft from collections in the digital age//.\\ {{:intern:cerl_poster_-_warsaw_v11.pdf|Programme}}.   * 2013, University of Warsaw Library \\ //STOP THIEF!, Preventing and investigating theft from collections in the digital age//.\\ {{:intern:cerl_poster_-_warsaw_v11.pdf|Programme}}.
- +  * 2012, The British Library, London \\ //Accessing heritage research collections through digitisation: models and use//.\\ {{services:seminars:cerl_poster_asp_wt1_vfinal.pdf|Programme}} and [[PowerPoint Presentations]].
-  * 2012, The British Library, London \\ //Accessing heritage research collections through digitisation: models and use//.\\ {{services:seminars:cerl_poster_asp_wt1_vfinal.pdf|Programme}}[[PowerPoint Presentations]].+
   * 2011, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vatican City \\ //La stampa romana nella Roma dei Papi e in Europa /   * 2011, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vatican City \\ //La stampa romana nella Roma dei Papi e in Europa /
-The Roman Press in the Papal City and in Europe//. \\ To be published in November 2015 as CERL Papers XII.\\  {{:services:seminars:cerl_annual_seminar_-_vatican_library_-_v5_-_7_november_2011.pdf|Programme}}\\ +The Roman Press in the Papal City and in Europe//. \\ Published in October 2016 as [[:publications:cerl_papers:cerl_papers_xii|CERL Papers XII]].\\  {{:services:seminars:cerl_annual_seminar_-_vatican_library_-_v5_-_7_november_2011.pdf|Programme}}\\ 
   * 2010, Royal Library, Copenhagen \\ //Virtual visits to lost libraries: reconstruction of and access to dispersed collections//. \\ Published in November 2012 as [[:publications:cerl_papers:cerl_papers_xi|CERL Papers XI]].\\ {{:services:seminars:copenhagen_2010_programme_v2.pdf|Programme}} and {{:services:seminars:copenhagen_2010_summaries_v6.pdf|Summaries of papers}}\\    * 2010, Royal Library, Copenhagen \\ //Virtual visits to lost libraries: reconstruction of and access to dispersed collections//. \\ Published in November 2012 as [[:publications:cerl_papers:cerl_papers_xi|CERL Papers XI]].\\ {{:services:seminars:copenhagen_2010_programme_v2.pdf|Programme}} and {{:services:seminars:copenhagen_2010_summaries_v6.pdf|Summaries of papers}}\\ 
 services/seminars/previous_cerl_annual_seminars.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/05 13:49 by lefferts



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