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Digital Humanities Working Group

The CERL Working Group for Digital Humanities aims to support library management and curators of Special Collections (rare books and manuscripts) to develop a well-informed mid- to long-term vision for the interconnection between Digital Humanities research and their organisation’s special collections, its associated data and metadata.

The working group works with university based, library based, national and international entities seeking to ensure that we have the opportunity to enhance their work through an understanding of the available data and its potential offering. The WG will provide information and organise training for management and curators of special collections in DH technologies.

Members of the Working Group

  • Anne Pasquinon, Bibliothèque nationale de France
  • Mrs Saskia Scheltjens, Rijksmuseum Research Library - Research Services, Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam
  • Vera Andriopoulou and Angeliki Papadopoulou, Laskarids Foundation, Athens
  • Vicky Gerontopoulou, Onassis Library Coordinator
  • Stefan Wiederkehr, Zentralbibliothek, Zürich
  • Gina Mars and Patrick Latour, Bibliothèque Mazarine, Paris
  • Greg Prickman, Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington D.C.
  • Anette Hagan and Sarah Ames, National Library of Scotland
  • Claudia Fabian, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München
  • James Misson, University of Geneva
  • Maria Georgopoulou, ASCSA, Athens



  • M. Lefferts organised a session at the Building Digital Humanities symposium (7-25 November 2022). The title of the session was Libraries as hubs? The role of libraries in building DH (session abstract). Speakers included:
    • Sally Chambers, KBR, Royal Library of Belgium; DARIAH-EU and Ghent Centre for Digital Humanities. Title presenation: Libraries as next generation data infrastructures: conceptualising ‘Collections as Data’ and ‘Data Spaces’. Slides.
    • Paul Gooding, University of Glasgow. Title presentation: Providers, Partners, and Collaborators: Libraries as Contributors to DH Research. Slides
    • Martijn Kleppe, Konklijke Bibliotheek, the National Library of The Netherlands. Title presentation: Building a national Infrastructure to enable research with Dutch Digital Heritage Collections. Slides
    • Sara Ames, National Library of Scotland. Title of paper: Repurpose, remodel and recast: the National Library of Scotland’s Data Foundry – and its future. Slides
    • A video of this session is available at xxx
  • CERL information session: Re-using CERL data by Andreas Walker
    • video recorded on 6 October 2020
    • slides with clickable links
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 collaboration/work/digitalhumanities/main.1668085882.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/11/10 14:11 by lefferts



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