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Databases Hosted at CERL

Incunabula Short Title Catalogue
The Incunabula Short Title Catalogue is the international database of 15th-century European printing created by the British Library with contributions from institutions worldwide.

Scottish Book Trade Index
The Scottish Book Trade Index lists the names, trades and addresses of people involved in printing in Scotland up to 1850. (Nat. Library of Scotland).

General Index of Siebmacher’s Armorials 1605–1961
The database contains the family names and titles of the “General Index of Siebmacher’s Armorials 1605–1961”

patrimonit.jpg PATRIMONiT
PATRIMONiT is a database of rare or unique sixteenth-century Italian popular editions held today in the British Library (i.e. not surviving in any Italian libraries). It is modelled on the Material Evidence in Incunabula (MEI) database and constructed using international standards for describing the material, textual, and visual characteristics of sixteenth-century Italian popular books and their provenance history'.

This database, created by Sabrina Minuzzi, focusses on materia medica. This is the body of knowledge concerning the medicinal properties principally of plants, but also of animals and minerals – the so called ‘simples’ – that formed the basis for making medical remedies. The research is being carried out on Italian manuscripts and printed books of the early 16th and 17th centuries pertaining to two genres - herbals and recipe books - with the aim of tracing the actual circulation of knowledge about local and exotic healing plants in Early Modern Italy.
Read more... link to info page similar to the Patrimonit page created by Laura

Geographic regions
Authority records describing geographic areas - used for supporting display and retrieval in MEI

Holding Institutions
Authority records for holding institutions in MEI

Owners of incunabula
Authority records for provenance names recorded in MEI

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 hosting/currently_hosted.1599209084.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/09/04 10:44 by lefferts



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