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Customising Your ISTC Search Screen - Please Change Add-On!

In the December Newsletter 2017, we described a simple solution to change the way the ISTC is displayed in the browser: “Customising your ISTC search screen”. This allows users of smaller screens to not display the decorating image of the top of the screen and leave more room for the search box and search results.

We recommended the widely used Add-On “Stylish” but this has recently been shown to be a security risk. The Add-On started to access the browser history when it changed to a new owner and new developer. The “Stylish” Add-On is no longer available.

Therefore, please deactivate the Add-On if you are using it, and switch to the safe “Stylus” Add-On. It works exactly the same, but does not carry any security risk. “Stylus” ist availabe for Firefox and Chrome.

Stylus for Firefox / Stylus for Chrome

We have added a style for the CERL Thesaurus!

You can import the existing styles from this file.

More information
securitynow.com (English) chip.de (German)

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 hosting/news.1531387383.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/07/12 11:23 by lefferts



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