[[|overview]] of electronic resources, and discussed... == Sixth conference ==
**Digital and Traditional Manuscripts: Challenges of a Great Migration**\\
Royal Libra... |Conference programme]]\\
Read the [[|conference report]] by
====== Manuscripts Librarians Working Group ======
===== History =====
In September 2000, manuscript librarian... ians community and those researchers working with manuscripts in their scholarly carreers. The WG members compi... nsformed into an [[|overview]] of manuscripts catalogues and electronic resources for the study of manuscripts availa
25-27 May 2016**
The unique character of manuscripts and the universal content, the universal interest... \\
The next papers dealt with the materiality of manuscripts. After two presentations from the TCD colleagues ... Kingdom informed about ongoing research with the manuscripts themselves.
* Bernard Meehan (Library TCD), ‘... ibrary TCD), ‘Early Results from the “Early Irish Manuscripts” Project’
s per country concise information about the major manuscripts and archives collections, about the institutions ... e kept (website links, historical data, etc.).
**Manuscripts Expert Group**\\
Information on the Manuscripts Expert Group is available [[
==== Manuscripts Librarians Working Group - Projects ====
[[:manuscriptexperts:projects|projects on medieval manuscripts]]\\
[[:manuscriptexperts:projects|projects on cor...
[[:manuscriptexperts:projects|projects on modern manuscripts]]\\
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