News 2008
December 2008
CERL Newsletter - December 2008
CERL's December Newsletter is now available for downloading from
Topics include:
- A new name for the HPB: Heritage of the Printed Book Database
- The HPB Database is nearing the 3 million records mark
- Access to OCLC WorldCat through FirstSearch and Connexion
- CERL Portal: Manuscripts and Early Printed Material
- CERL Thesaurus – upcoming file loads
- Digital Resources –
- Printers’ Devices
- Provenances
- Europeana: Digital Paintings, Books, Films and Archives
- CERL Annual Meeting, Saturday 8 November 2008, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
- 2008 Annual CERL Seminar
- CERL’s Development Plan 2008–2012: towards a CERL Research Portal
- CERL welcomes Tartu University Library
New CERL member in Estonia
We are very pleased to welcome the University of Tartu Library (Tartu Ülikooli Raamatukogu) as a new member of the Consortium. Founded in 1802, Tartu University Library is the oldest and biggest continuously working library in Estonia. Tartu has joined forces with an existing CERL member, the Academic Library of Tallinn University, to create a new Estonian Group membership of CERL.
For further information, see Group Membership.
November 2008
CERL Seminar, 7 November 2008, Paris
This year the Seminar was held at the Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris. The programme was Linking the worlds of script and print: Catalogues of European manuscripts and early printed books.
For more information, see the full list of speakers.
CERL hopes to publish the papers from the Seminar in November 2009 as CERL Papers IX.
More new files on the CERL Thesaurus
A file of imprint names for Spanish printers have been added to the Thesaurus. The data are taken from Francisco Vindel, Escudas y marcas de impressores y libreros en Espana durante los siglos XV a XIX (1485-1850). The printers devices in Vindel have been digitised and links to the digitized devices are included included in the Thesaurus records.
The authority file for personal name headings from Warsaw University Library has been updated.
October 2008
CERL seeks a new Company Secretary
Dr David Shaw has indicated that he wishes to step down as CERL's Company Secretary in 2009. The Consortium has therefore set in motion a selection process for the appointment of a successor. Candidates must be resident in England or Wales, preferably within easy travelling distance from London.
Applications should be received by 12 December 2008.
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September 2008
More provenance data added to the CERL Thesaurus
Provenance names from the Law Society's Mendham Collection housed at Canterbury Cathedral Library. Linking is established to the bibliographic records in the University of Kent OPAC.
Read more
Provenance names from the EBOB database - Early Book Owners in Britain. This database is still under construction and the linking from the CERL Thesaurus to EBOB's bibliographical records will be implemented at a later date.
See the prototype of the EBOB database
MAY 2008
Workshop on Rare Book Librarianship, Madrid
Thursday 5 June 2008
National Library of Spain, Madrid
Organized by the National Library of Spain and the Consortium of European Research Libraries
The full programme is available on the web site of the Biblioteca Nacional de España.
No charge, but pre-booking required.
APRIL 2008
New cluster library
The Directors of CERL have approved the Médiathèque de l’agglomération troyenne as a new cluster library proposed by the Bibliothèque municipal de Lyon.
MARCH 2008
Provenance names from Canterbury Cathedral
A provisional list of 3152 former owners of pre-1801 printed books from Canterbury Cathedral Library has been added to the CERL Provenance pages.
New member of CERL
CERL is pleased to announce that the Biblioteca Umanistica, Università di Firenze, has joined the Consortium as a Full member.
Information about the Biblioteca Umanistica can be found at its web site
New Files in the CERL Thesaurus
Two files have been added to the CERL Thesaurus with the February update:
- Provenance records from the Biblioteca Histórica Marqués de Valdecilla at the Universidad Complutense, Madrid.
- Corporate body name records from material preceding the Dutch Brinkman's Catalogue provided by the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, The Hague.
Read more in the CERL website's provenance section.