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Other relevant projects

DescriptionAims to develop a model architecture for a search system that will harvest existing name authority records in various European countries and integrate the results into the MALVINE network. Prototype to be tested in MALVINE (3-year project funded by the European Commission).
Cataloguing format?
Length of project?
Responsible institutionsCo-ordinated by Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
Contact detailsWebsite: http://www.leaf-eu.org/

DescriptionOpen Union Information Centre providing cataloguing facilities and presenting on the web about 500.000 records (to date) of literary archives and modern manuscripts held in public institutions in Germany.
Cataloguing format?
Length of project?
Responsible institutionsStaatsbibliothek zu Berlin
Contact detailsWebsite: http://www.bsb-muenchen.de/Kalliope.175+M57d0acf4f16.0.html

Cataloguing format?
Length of project?
Responsible institutions?
Contact detailsWebsite: http://www2.arts.gla.ac.uk/
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