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Aldine Editions at Pan Biblioteka Gdańska

Online from June 2015, Pan Biblioteka Gdańska (Wałowa 15, 80-980 Gdańsk, Poland)

The exhibition features 12 items which are a part of an interesting collection of books both printed and written by Manutius preserved in PAS Gdańsk Library. This library holds at least 50 books (according to preliminary estimates), which were mainly part of the collection originally belonging to the Neapolitan aristocrat - Giovanni Bernardino Bonifacio (1517-1597). The humanist donated his books to the Gdańsk City Council, which found its own library in 1596. Bonifacio’s Aldine collection includes, among others, the editions of Thucydides, Herodotus, Statius and Seneca, as well as the collected works of Angelo Poliziano.

The exhibition is accesible at: http://pbc.gda.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?lang=en&action=ChangeMetaLangAction&id=44698&change=Change?

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 collaboration/manutius_network_2015/pan_biblioteka.1434610814.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/06/18 09:00 by schleier



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