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Renaissance Print Culture: An Aldine Quincentennial Symposium

History of the Book Lecture

7 February 2015, The Newberry Center for Renaissance Studies (60 West Walton St,Chicago, IL 60610)

The scholar Leonard R. N. Ashley has described Aldus Manutius thusly: “Tutor to princes (to whom he communicated his humanistic principles), boon to scholars (for whom he printed valuable texts in careful editions which they could afford to buy), himself a student and an associate of great humanists such as Linacre and Erasmus, Aldus Manutius (1450-1515) was one of the great men of his time, inheritor (as a classical scholar in his own right) and transmitter (as the founder of the Aldine Press carried on by his son and grandson) of the riches which made the Renaissance splendid.” February 2015 will mark the five-hundredth anniversary of the death of this Venetian pioneer of printing. Aldus, arguably the greatest printer of his age, certainly remains the one whose name is best known.This symposium aims to bring the fruits of recent research in the history of printing to a broad public.

Speakers: Brian Richardson (keynote address), Adam Hooks, Elizabeth Horodowich, Mark Peterson, Kevin Stevens.

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