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The Illustrated Body: Printing, Anatomy, and Art in the Renaissance

27-28 February 2015, Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, UCLA (302 Royce Hall, Los Angeles CA 90095-1485)

The at UCLA is organizing a conference to commemorate the quincentenaries of the passing of Aldus Manutius and the birth of Andreas Vesalius. The event will be paired with an exhibit of Aldine works, which are part of the UCLA Rare Books Library. Originals of Vesalius’ Fabrica and of several anatomical treatises by his contemporaries, housed at the UCLA Medical Library will also be part of the exhibition.

Further information will be soon available.

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 collaboration/manutius_network_2015/the_illustrated_body.1409760663.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/09/03 18:11 by sachet



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