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Promoting Europe's cultural heritage in print and manuscript

The Consortium of European Research Libraries (CERL) aims to facilitate, enhance, and improve the use and impact of printed and manuscript cultural heritage material. CERL raises the awareness of cultural heritage collections and their content among scholars and interested parties in a wide community. CERL is service and partnership oriented by offering its members and the library, archival, and scholarly world at large high quality digital resources and tools using modern technology, by arranging seminars and workshops, and by providing cooperation within its membership and with other library and cultural heritage organisations. The organisation was formed in 1992 on the initiative of research libraries in many European countries and legally came into being in June 1994. For the latest news you can find us at various events (see the CERL Agenda), follow CERL on Twitter or you can join the CERL mailing list: please contact secretariat@cerl.org to register.

We were informed that scammers have used CERL's name for fraudulent activities. This scam does not imply any breach of the security of CERL, its databases or membership data. If you receive an unexpected request for payment allegedly to CERL, please get in touch with CERL's secretariat before taking any action.

CERL Networks

CERL Security Network The CERL Security Network coordinates information about on-going security issues of relevance for collections. Read more...

Manuscripts Expert Group The Manuscripts Librarians Working Group acts as a forum for curatorial concerns, and to enhance understanding and practical cooperation among curators across Europe. Read more...

CERL Bookbindings Working Group The CERL Bookbindings Working Group aims to foster collaboration between book binding projects, and encourage the use of standards across these project. Read more...

Seminars and Workshops

CERL Seminars and Workgroups CERL organises frequent seminars and workshops which address topical issues relating to the care of our heritage collections. The presentations held at the CERL Seminars are available here.

European Projects

Provenance CERL is involved in several funded projects, covering a variety of topics and with a wide range of European partners. Read more...

Other News

CERL has created its own Blog. TIf you want to contribute to the blog, you can contact Marian Lefferts. Additionally, CERL continues to publish the CERL Newsletter. The December 2019 issue is available here and the next issue of the Newsletter will be published in June 2020.

CERL Annual Seminar and Annual General Meeting, Vilnius, 18 to 20 October 2020
The theme of the annual seminar will be on Library History in a socio-economic context. Slides for the 2019 seminar on Collections and Networks: Reconstructing the Historical Context of Texts, Publications and Objects with Digital Methods are available here.

Collection Security Summer School, Vienna, Wednesday 2 to Friday 4 September 2020
CERL's annual Summer School on Collection Security will be hosted by the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek in Vienna. We are intending for the Summer School to go ahead as planned and are currently working on the programme, which will be made available here.

The CERL Provenance Digital Archive has been created in the Arkyves environment. After logging in, using your FB, Google or Orcid accounts, you may store your digital images of provenance evidence in the CERL PDA. The images and the descriptions you create are published under a CC0 license and the images are available as IIIF. You may access the Provenance Digital Archive here.

CERL Papers XIV - Printing R-Evolution and Society 1450-1500. Fifty Years that Changed Europe, Cristina Dondi. This is an Open Access publication. Download your copy here.

CERL Papers XIII - Signa Vides - Researching and recording printers' devices
The papers were presented at the CERL Workshop hosted by the National Library of Austria, Vienna on 17-18 March 2015, and can be downloaded here.

CERL Papers XII - La Stampa Romana nella città dei papi e in Europa
The volume includes papers presented at the CERL Seminar on 11 November 2011 hosted by the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, with supplementary contributions, and can be ordered here.

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 main.1588055929.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/04/28 08:38 by lefferts



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