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Statistics of the CERL Thesaurus

From 25-10-2012


918403total records
16014non-fictional names
208fictional names
130identification uncertain
100names used for more than one place
40956non-fictional names
59fictional names
31identification uncertain
1names used for more than one imprint name
719700non-fictional names
4103fictional names
114649identification uncertain
37names used for more than one person
18899non-fictional names
6fictional names
0identification uncertain
0names used for more than one corporate body
3510source names
0identification of source uncertain
0source data is ambiguous and therefore needs distinctive elements

Types of records

Provenance information

Record typeTotal recordsRecords with linked provenance information
Personal names 838489 17815
Corporate body names 18905 2453

Personal name records with linked provenance information

Corporate body name records with linked provenance information

Records with linked provenance information

Variant name forms

1751800total variant name forms
37086total variant name forms IMPRINT PLACES
36165- thereof non-fictional name forms
921- thereof fictional name forms
64212total variant name forms IMPRINT NAMES
64081- thereof non-fictional name forms
131- thereof fictional name forms
1610909total variant name forms PERSONAL NAMES
1576499- thereof non-fictional name forms
34410- thereof fictional name forms
39593total variant name forms CORPORATE BODY NAMES
39591- thereof non-fictional name forms
2- thereof fictional name forms

Standard forms

952955total standard forms
5170total standard forms IMPRINT PLACE NAMES
4770imprint place names (default)
202fictional imprint place names
121identification of entities uncertain
77imprint place names used for more than one entity
36948total standard forms IMPRINT NAMES
36857imprint names (default)
59fictional imprint names
31identification of entities uncertain
1imprint names used for more than one entity
892088total standard forms PERSONAL NAMES
772174personal names (default)
4683fictional personal names
115193identification of entities uncertain
38personal names used for more than one entity
18749total standard forms CORPORATE BODY NAMES
18743corporate body names (default)
6fictional corporate body names
0identification of entities uncertain
0corporate body names used for more than one entity

Other information

610960source references ('Found in')
728943imprint sources
671742general notes
724201biographical dates / dates of activity
630161activity notes
400461geographical notes
178920related personal names
16726related imprint names
14140related corporate names
137844place of activity notes
14883printer's devices etc. notes
132483online resources (Hyperlinks)
52523remote access to external systems
31892- thereof to STCN
20631- thereof to provenance information

Origin of authority data

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 resources/cerl_thesaurus/statistics.1352287462.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/11/07 12:24 by baldwin



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