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Statistics of the CERL Thesaurus

From 27-09-2019


1324353total records
19032non-fictional names
262fictional names
129identification uncertain
251names used for more than one place
86619non-fictional names
294fictional names
48identification uncertain
17names used for more than one imprint name
1060857non-fictional names
8821fictional names
110572identification uncertain
11657names used for more than one person
25402non-fictional names
353fictional names
1identification uncertain
1names used for more than one corporate body
0source names
0identification of source uncertain
0source data is ambiguous and therefore needs distinctive elements

Types of records

Provenance information

Record typeTotal recordsRecords with linked provenance information
Personal names 1191907 64717
Corporate body names 25757 3308

Personal name records with linked provenance information

Corporate body name records with linked provenance information

Records with linked provenance information

Variant name forms

2609511total variant name forms
44176total variant name forms IMPRINT PLACES
43245- thereof non-fictional name forms
931- thereof fictional name forms
143946total variant name forms IMPRINT NAMES
142471- thereof non-fictional name forms
1475- thereof fictional name forms
2362132total variant name forms PERSONAL NAMES
2318242- thereof non-fictional name forms
43890- thereof fictional name forms
59257total variant name forms CORPORATE BODY NAMES
59255- thereof non-fictional name forms
2- thereof fictional name forms

Standard forms

1418253total standard forms
5150total standard forms IMPRINT PLACE NAMES
4755imprint place names (default)
203fictional imprint place names
121identification of entities uncertain
71imprint place names used for more than one entity
85315total standard forms IMPRINT NAMES
84955imprint names (default)
295fictional imprint names
48identification of entities uncertain
17imprint names used for more than one entity
1302081total standard forms PERSONAL NAMES
1169704personal names (default)
9065fictional personal names
111644identification of entities uncertain
11668personal names used for more than one entity
25707total standard forms CORPORATE BODY NAMES
25689corporate body names (default)
17fictional corporate body names
1identification of entities uncertain
0corporate body names used for more than one entity

Other information

709573source references ('Found in')
853204imprint sources
1011225general notes
1171954biographical dates / dates of activity
1411546activity notes
1171258geographical notes
348680related personal names
37276related imprint names
80017related corporate names
712745place of activity notes
26592printer's devices etc. notes
50849online resources (Hyperlinks)
2273031remote access to external systems
19785- thereof to STCN
2253246- thereof to provenance information


407896merged records in total
145460records resulting from merger
102283- thereof records edited manually
263840cases, in which merging of records has been refused
630010remaining references to probably duplicate records
2407- thereof in records with standard forms marked as 'identification uncertain'

Merged records in relation to total record count

Origin of authority data

Country of origin File owner Code total cnl cni cnp cnc
Austria The Bernstein Consortium AtBPA 2128 2128
Belgium Bibliotheek van de Universiteit Antwerpen STCV 1502 1502
Croatia Nacionalna i Sveucilišna Knjižnica NSK, NSB 943 178 765
Denmark Det Kongelige Bibliotek København DkKoKB 1507 1507
France Bibliothèque nationale de France BNF 182986 13331 158459 11196
France Bibliothèque Municipale de Lyon FrLy 1149 947 202
Germany Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München BSB,VD16 14592 1932 12660
Germany Deutsche Nationalbibliothek DE-588a 4047 4047
Germany Deutsche Nationalbibliothek DE-588b 1080 1080
Germany Deutsche Nationalbibliothek DE-588c 509 455 54
Germany Bibliotheksverbund Bayern DE-604 66 66
Germany Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin DE-611 4208 3746 462
Germany HANS, SUB Göttingen (Germany) DE-7-HANS 8015 6035 1980
Germany Deutsches Musikarchiv, Berlin DMA 10 10
Germany Deutsche Nationalbibliothek GND 723855 18649 705206
Germany Germania Sacra Online GScrO 20011 19470 541
Germany Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin GYBL 227 174 53
Germany Franckesche Stiftungen Halle Bibliothek GYHF 5 4 1
Germany Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek, Hannover GYHN 3 3
Germany Bayerische Staatsbibliothek München GYMG 6870 2762 3684 424
Germany Universitätsbibliothek Rostock GYRU 29 28 1
Germany Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek, Weimar GYWH 597 471 126
Germany Freie Universität Berlin GyBFU 178 178
Germany Gemeinsamer Biblitoheksverbund GyGoGBV 198930 13927 182238 2765
Germany Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen GyGoN 313 216 97
Germany Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg GyHaS 4 4
Germany Herzog-August-Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel GyWbHAB 2084 1826 258
Germany Deutsche Nationalbibliothek PND 114926 102 114824
Germany Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin SBB-TW 4153 4153
Germany Institut Deutsche Presseforschung, Universität Bremen UBrm 749 1 748
Hungary National Széchényi Library, Budapest HUBpOSK 544 544
Italy Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico ICCU 14816 2512 11193 1111
Italy Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli IT-NA0079 209 156 53
Italy Biblioteca nazionale centrale Vittorio Emanuele II Roma IT-RM0267 198 60 138
Italy Biblioteca Casanatense, Roma IT-RM0313 376 314 62
Italy Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana Venezia IT-VE0049 1394 1224 170
Czech Republic The National Museum Library, Prague (Czech Republic) aba010 355 13 342
Poland Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Warszawie BUW 3695 3299 396
Poland Biblioteka Narodowa, Warszawa PlWaBN 16421 621 15732 68
Poland NUKAT union catalogue of Polish academic and research libraries nukat 15734 3057 12277 400
Poland Biblioteka Ossolineum plolw 6845 1538 5152 155
Poland Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Warszawie plwau 5024 1 539 4222 262
Poland Wroclaw University Library (Poland) plwro 7018 1881 5004 133
Russia National Library of Russia RuNLR 6660 1963 4542 155
Spain Biblioteca de Catalunya, Barcelona ES-BaCBU 4152 4086 66
Spain Universitat de Barcelona ES-BaUB 5628 4167 1306 155
Spain Biblioteca de la Universidad de Salamanca ES-SlU 2233 2131 102
Spain Biblioteca de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid SpMaUC 1207 1029 178
Switzerland Universitätsbibliothek Basel SzBaU 1308 1147 161
The Netherlands Koninklijke Bibliotheek NL-HaKB 32609 93 8800 23581 135
The Netherlands Universiteit Utrecht NL-UtRU 762 762
The Netherlands Koninklijke Bibliotheek NeNKHB 11792 11792
United Kingdom Consortium of European Research Libraries CERL 1973 1883 90
United Kingdom British Library ESTC 53557 1 49849 3707
United Kingdom University of Glasgow Library GlU-inc 904 736 168
United Kingdom National Library of Scotland NLS-SBTI 8201 8201
United Kingdom National Library of Scotland NLS-SSP 197 197
United Kingdom Poets Laureate in the Holy Roman Empire PRFL 66 66
United Kingdom University of Aberdeen Library StAbUL 1346 1284 62
United Kingdom British Library Uk 1207 1207 161 8
United Kingdom Canterbury Cathedral Libraries UkCyCl 1200 1071 129
United Kingdom Middle Temple Library, London UkMiTe 169 161 8
United States Library of Congress (United States) DLC 83 83
United States The Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names TGN 1 1

Not in this list are the Cathedral Libraries Catalogue (UK) and the Royal Library of Stockholm (S).

Origin of imprint place data

Origin of imprint name data

Origin of personal name data

Origin of corporate body name data

Origin of reference work data


Please note: These statistics on editing activities over the years are not constant because upon merger of two records, editing signatures from one of the records are lost. DCG aims to provide a more meaningful retrospective constant overview in due course.

Created records

Year total cnl cni cnp cnc
2005 11 8 1 2
2006 4 2 2
2007 6 4 1 1
2008 2832 1 2826 4 1
2009 18 16 2
2010 22 4 6 10 2
2011 223 14 2 206 1
2012 296 6 2 240 48
2013 320 3 2 169 146
2014 640 12 2 317 309
2015 565 17 49 371 128
2016 22 14 4 4
2017 23 10 2 11
2018 8 5 3
2019 89 48 1 3
total 5607 658 2918 1339 655

Edited records

Year total cnl cni cnp cnc
2005 20729 76 5 20647 1
2006 3359 102 161 3096
2007 9364 3 162 9187 12
2008 10094 2 29 10063
2009 12471 1 48 12405 17
2010 8939 787 36 8025 91
2011 10050 1160 85 8800 5
2012 2968 190 31 2723 24
2013 9308 54 70 8781 403
2014 3817 228 44 2790 755
2015 5903 228 50 4679 946
2016 4786 184 61 3749 792
2017 2781 77 46 2431 227
2018 3458 1207 17 2078 156
2019 4277 1696 60 2141 380
total 124688 7251 987 112641 3809

Edited records in relation to total record count

Editing records

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 resources/cerl_thesaurus/statistics.1569847571.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/09/30 14:46 by liventsova



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