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Provenance literature

New provenance publication from Dresden

  • Frank Aurich, Jana Kocourek, Norman Köhler, Provenienzmerkmale aus dem Bestand der Sächsischen Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden. Dresd: SLUB Dresden, March 2010. 73 pages, fully illustrated.
    PDF file, downloadable from http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-qucosa-27458.

    Library stamps, bookplates, binding stamps, shelf labels, etc. from the following libraries: Kurfürstliche Bibliothek Dresden (to 1806), Königliche Öffentliche Bibliothek Dresden (1806-1917), Sächsische Landesbibliothek Dresden (1918-1997), Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden (from 1997), Bibliothek der Technischen Hochschule zu Dresden (1828-1961) and a selection of other collections from the Kurfürstliche Bibliothek.

  • Bibliotheksstempel. Besitzvermerke von Bibliotheken in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Hrsg. von Antonius Jammers; Red.: Annette Wehmeyer ; Regina Mahlke. - Wiesbaden : Reichert, 1998. - 264 S. (Beiträge aus der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - PK ; 6)

    A very extensive repertory of reproductions of library stamps from German libraries, arranged alphabetically by town and library, with an index to the text of the individual stamps.
  • Diego Navarro Bonilla, «Las huellas de la lectura: marcas y anotaciones manuscritas en impresos de los siglos XVI a XVIII», en Antonio Castillo Gómez (ed.), Libro y lectura en la Península Ibérica y América (siglos XIII a XVIII), Valladolid: Junta de Castilla y León, 2003, 243-287
  • Books and Collectors 1200-1700: Essays Presented to Andrew Watson (British Library Studies in the History of the Book) Ed. by James P. Carley and C.G.C. Tite.
    British Library Publishing, 512 p., 1996. ISBN-13: 978-0712345064.

    A collection of recent research by 23 scholars, this work focuses on four major themes in the history of the book. Covering five centuries, it surveys monastic books and medieval learning, humanism and incunabula, the dispersal of monastic libraries, and post-monastic collectors. The essays draw on evidence offered by library catalogues and lists, the work of individual monastic houses and monks, book bindings and illumination, book dealers and collectors, and the close study of scripts and manuscript annotations.
  • Books and their owners (CERL Papers V)
    Papers presented on 12 November 2004 at the CERL conference hosted by the National Library of Scotland.
    21 x 14.5 cm. (approx.), xiv + 104 pp.
    ISBN 0-9541535-3-7. Price: £15.00 (includes p&p). November 2005.
    List of contents and order form
  • Christian Coppens, 'Provenances: Files & Profiles', Wolfenbütteler Notizen zur Buchgeschichte 29 (2004), S. 61–82.
  • Tony Curwen and Gunilla Jonsson, 'Provenance and the Itinerary of the Book: recording provenance data in on-line catalogues', in: CERL Papers VII. Imprints and owners: Recording the cultural geography of Europe (David Shaw, ed.). Papers presented on 10 November 2006 at the CERL Seminar hosted by the National Széchényi Library, Budapest. London, Consortium of European Research Libraries, 2007. 13-digit ISBN 978-0-9541535-6-4, 10-digit ISBN 0-9541535-6-1.
  • Margaret Lane Ford. 'Private ownership of printed books'. In: The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain, volume III, 1400-1557. Cambridge University Press, 1999. ISBN: 0 521 57346 7. Pp. 205–28.
  • María Idalia García Aguilar (Centro Universitario de Investigaciones Bibliotecológicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), 'Libros marcados con fuego' (Emblemata, 13 (2007), pp. 271-299; ISSN 1137-1056). Download as PDF file.
    Further information on the project to record 'fire marks' as provenance evidence.
  • Guidelines for the Cataloguing of Rare Books
    First issued in 1997 by the Rare Books and Special Collections Group of CILIP. The 2007 revision is available online. It has an illustrated section on recording provenance data.
  • Lotte Hellinga, 'Records of provenance in the HPB Database'. in: El Libro antiguo español VI: De Libros, Librerías, Imprentas y Lectores, ed. Pedro M. Cátedra & María Luisa López-Vidriero, Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca (2002), 147–152.
  • Hic liber est. 700 anni di segni sui libri: Biblioteche e collezionismo a Siena. A cura di Daniele Danesi.
    Siena: Biblioteca comunale degli Intronati, 2009. 77 pp.
  • Monique Hulvey, European Printed Heritage and the Study of Provenance
    Paper given by Monique Hulvey (Bibliothèque municipale de Lyon) at a CERL Seminar at the National and University Library, Zagreb, Croatia, on 10 March 2005. View PDF file in your browser (7MB). To return to the CERL website, please use the back-button of your browser.
  • Jesuit College in Braniewo : 14-page index of provenances, in: Trypućko, Józef, Spandowski, Michal, Szyller, Slawomir. 'The catalogue of the book collection of the Jesuit College in Braniewo held in the University Library in Uppsala', Acta Bibliothecae R. Universitatis Upsaliensis, 41 (2007).
    Vol. 1, Introduction ; Manuscripts ; Incunabula (ISBN 978-91-554-6367-0)
    Vol. 2, The 16th and 17th century books (ISBN 978-91-554-6472-1)
    Vol. 3, Indexes (ISBN 978-91-554-6473-8)
  • Gunilla Jonsson and Mirna Willer, Provenance information and authority control – a discussion paper.
    A discussion document with examples in MARC21 and UNIMARC, prepared for CERL’s Advisory Task Group (March 2005). This paper is offered for discussion. Comments should be sent to the author: Mrs Gunilla Jonsson, Deputy National Librarian, Department of Collection Development and Documentation, Kungliga Biblioteket, Box 5039, SE 102 41 Stockholm, Sweden.
    Email: gunilla.jonsson@kb.se.
    Download PDF file (175KB)
  • Libraries Within the Library: The Origins of the British Library's Printed Collections, edited by Giles Mandelbrote and Barry Taylor. London: The British Library, 2010.
    Hardback, 464 pages, 244 x 172 mm, £45.00, ISBN 978 0 7123 5035 8.
    Libraries discussed include: King Henry VIII; Isaac Casaubon; Sir Robert Cotton; Sir Hans Sloane; George Thomason; Clayton Mordaunt Cracherode; Sir William Musgrave; Sir Joseph Banks; Joseph Smith; Thomas grenville;Sergei Aleksandrovich Sobolevskii. Press release.
    British Library Bookshop.
  • Omanikumärgid vanaraamatus: artiklite kogumik =
    Ownership marks in old books: collection of articles
    Владельческий знак на старинной книге: сборник статей

    [Eesti Rahvusraamatukogu ; koostaja ja toimetaja Larissa Petina ; tõlkijad Ruth Hiie, Inna Saaret, Sirje Lusmägi ; kujundaja Margit Plink ; kaane kujundaja Andrus Igalaan].
    Tallinn: National Library of Estonia, 2008. 178 pages, illustrated.
    ISBN: 978-9949-413-20-1
    (Articles in Estonian, English and Russian, with summaries.)
Studies in provenance of Estonian and foreign historical book collections, as well as the reconstruction of former private and family libraries. Under survey are ownership marks, reader's inscriptions, and notes of collectors from the 16th-20th centuries. Among the authors are old and rare book specialists and book historians from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Russia and England.
Table of contents
  • David Pearson. Provenance Research in Book History: A Handbook. The British Library Studies in the History of the Book.
    British Library Publishing. 336 pages, 100 B&W illustrations, 228 x 152 mm, 1998 (reprinted with addenda, original edition 1994). ISBN: 0712303448 hardback, 0712345981 paperback.
This handbook surveys the different kinds of ownership evidence to be found in books and brings together a wide range of information and bibliographical references to provenance research. Features of this work include: a list of mottoes used by owners in the 16th and 17th centuries, donors’ registers for historic libraries, a survey of published and unpublished provenance indexes for libraries in Britain and North America, a list of bookplate collections and notes on booksellers’ catalogues.
  • Provenance evidence: thesaurus for use in rare book and special collections cataloguing
    Prepared by the Standards Committee of the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section (ACRL/ALA) Chicago: Association of College and Research Libraries, 1988. ISBN 083897239X.
    Now accessible in an online version.
Provenance indexes available in UK libraries – a selective update, September 2005
A supplement to the listing of provenance indexes in UK libraries found in chapter VII of David Pearson’s Provenance research in book history: a handbook (London, 1994, reprinted with addenda 1998). The list was prepared for the CILIP Rare Books Group conference ‘Whose book was it anyway?: Book ownership and Provenance’ (New Hall Cambridge, 7-9 September 2005).
Download PDF file (190KB)
  • Provenienze. Metodologia di rilevamento, descrizione e indicizzazione per il materiale bibliografico, Documento elaborato dal Gruppo di lavoro sulle provenienze coordinato dalla Regione Toscana e dalla Provincia autonoma di Trento. A cura di Katia Cestelli e Anna Gonzo.
    Provincia autonoma di Trento, Soprintendenza per i beni librari e archivistici; Regione Toscana, Giunta regionale, 2009.
    ISBN 978-88-7702-220-2. 156 pp.
  • Provenienzportal, Stiftung Weimar Klassik
    The Duchess Anna Amalia Library intends to establish a provenance access point. It will include a web-thesaurus of provenance terms and a search engine specialising in provenance features. It will co-ordinate heterogeneous resources such as librarian databases, image databases, full text databases and electronic dictionaries and present them on a homogeneous surface. Initially, it will be presenting in simple format the draft of the thesaurus and an annotated list of databases containing provenance information.
  • Dennis Rhodes, 'Bibliotheca Windhagiana', Gutenberg-Jahrbuch 2009, p.307–312.
    The library of the 17th-century Austrian aristocrat Johann Joachim Entzmüller (1600–1678), Freiherr von und zu Windhag, which was later given to the University Library in Vienna in 1787. Dennis Rhodes has traced over 30 books which once belonged to this important collection.
  • Les seigneurs du livre: Les grands collectionneurs du XIXème siècle à la Bibliothèque royale de Belgique, catalogue rédigé par Marcus de Schepper, Ann Kelders, Jan Pauwels. Bruxelles, Bibliothèque royale de Belgique, 2008, 217p. ISBN 2-87093-164-6.

    Collectors discussed: Charles Van Hulthem (1764–1832); Richard Heber (1774–1833); Pierre Philippe Constant Lammens (1762–1836); Jan Frans Van de Velde (1743–1823); Charles-Pierre-Joseph le Candele de Ghyseghem (1761–1830); Jan Frans Willems (1793–1846); François Xavier Borluut de Noortdonck (1771–1857); Johannes Peter Müller (1801–1858); Jean-Baptiste Théodore de Jonghe (1801–1860); Léopold Van Alstein (1791–1862); Comtesse de Lalaing (1787–1866); François-Joseph Fétis (1784–1871); Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792–1872); Constant Philippe Serrure (1805–1872); Félix-Victor Goethals (1799–1872); Englebert Auguste duc d'Arenberg (1824–1875); Jules Capron (1829–1897); Franz Vergauwen (1801–1881); Frédéric-Jules Faber (1837–1884); Henri Helbig (1813–1890).
  • Wolfenbütteler Notizen zur Buchgeschichte (29, 2004, Heft 1–2)
    A special issue of the periodical has been given over to provenance research.
    The table of contents is:
    • Armin Schlechter, Thomas Stäcker, Auf den Spuren der Bücher -– Provenienzforschung und ihre Probleme.
    • Jos M.M. Hermans, Ex origine lux: Besitz- und Benutzerangaben als Schlüssel zum Verständnis von Handschrift und Frühdruck.
    • Jürgen Leonhardt, Gedruckte humanistische Kolleghefte als Quelle für Buch- und Bildungsgeschichte.
    • Paul Needham, The Late Use of Incunables and the Paths of Book Survival.
    • Chris Coppens, Provenances: Files & profiles.
    • Susanne Knackmuß, Ein preußischer helluo librorum des 17. Jahrhunderts und seine animadversiunculae: eine bibliotheksgeschichtliche Entdeckung in den Sammlungen des Berlinischen Gymnasiums zum Grauen Kloster.
    • Bettina Wagner, Von Adam bis Zwykopf. Die Inkunabelsammlung der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek und ihre Provenienzen.
    • Jürgen Weber, Thesaurus der Provenienzbegriffe. Konzeption und Anwendung.
    • Johannes Moetsch, Das Provenienzprinzip im Archiv.
    • Jutta Bendt, Provenienzen und Profile. Aspekte bestands- und exemplarspezifischer Erschließung im Deutschen Literaturarchiv.
    • Armin Schlechter, Jüngere pfalzgräfliche Bestände aus den Neuburger, Düsseldorfer und Mannheimer Hofbibliotheken in Heidelberg.
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